
Chief Editor:

Fair Deal: Submitted manuscripts are evaluated for novel scientific content irrespective of their origin.

Confidentiality: The information about a submitted manuscript will be confidential and will not be disclosed other than by the Chief Editor, editorial staff, corresponding author, reviewers, and publisher.

Disclosure and conflicts of interest: The journal discloses that any unpublished work must not be used in the Editor’s, and reviewer’s research without the explicit written consent of the author(s).

Publication Decisions: The Chief Editor of the journal is responsible for deciding the publication or rejection of the submitted manuscript. The Chief  Editor may take suggestions from other editors or reviewers in making decisions.

Role of Peer Reviewers in Editorial Decisions: Peer reviewers assist the Chief Editor & Editors in early editorial decisions and the author in improving the manuscript quality further.

Confidentiality: Any manuscripts received for review are treated as confidential documents and should not be shown to others or discussed except if authorized by the Chief Editor.